
School Photos
Mission View teacher Ms. Gomez-Peralta poses with two of her students
A young boy with dark brown hair holds a microphone getting ready to speak at the Governing Board meeting
Mission View custodian Ana Nunez poses in the hallway
A young boy in a blue vest gives the Pledge of Allegiance at the Governing Board meeting
Mission View teacher Delia Sotelo holds a bouquet of flowers in recognition of being awarded by Tucson Values Teachers
School Photos - Time Capsule
At Mission View Elementary, students carefully selected items for a time capsule burial! The capsule, filled with their chosen treasures, will remain buried until future students dig it up in 2073 and learn about what the school was like in 2024.
A Mission View teacher holds up a book showing photos from the school's 100 year history
A teacher holds up a printout of a story about a classroom that made tamales
A sign explaining the time capsule is on a table with other artifacts from the school's history
Students and staff stand under a tent with the hole where the time capsule will be buried in the foreground
A teacher holds up some black and white photos of students who attended Mission View
School Photos - Love of Reading
We had guest readers join us for Love of Reading Month! Sheriff Deputy Saline, a guest from Pima Community College Women's Soccer team, and TUSD Curriculum Development Program Manager Michelle Merrick are among those who stopped by and read to our students. 
A TUSD Student Resource Officer reads to a classroom of students
A guest reader shares a story with students sitting on the floor of the classroom
A guest reader stands at the front of the classroom holding up a book as she reads to students
A guest reader holds up a book as she reads to students sitting in front of her
A guest reader stands at the front of the classroom preparing to read to students
School Photos - 100th Day of School
Mission View had a special guest on the 100th day of school. Meet 101-year-old Dolores Ortiz! Two of her great grandchildren attend Mission View. Dolores visited several classrooms and answered student’s questions about her long life. When Dolores was just 11 years old she would make dresses for 80 cents, and during WWII she would mend nylons for others. She also told students that she loves to read books especially the classics like Don Quixote.
Delores Ortiz talks to students on the 100th day of school
Delores Ortiz poses with teachers and a student
Ms. Lopez's kindergarten class poses for a photo dressed as 100 year olds for the 100th day of school
Delores Ortiz talks about her life
Delores Ortiz and a teacher pose with Delores' great-grandson
Mission View Garden
Distance shot of staff preparing the planters for students to work in.
Students and Staff outside
Students getting dirt from a wheelbarrow.
Students and staff working with the pepper planters
Staff cleaning up and recycling
Students looking at their tomatoes trying to find ones to pick.
4 students smiling in front of their plants
Students smiling and pointing at the fruit on their tree
Two students smiling in front of greenery
Students smiling in front of yellow potted flowers
Students outside